Our Stories

Storytelling is what connects and brings us together. So let’s celebrate, inspire and empower each other by sharing our stories.

Patty Yan

Clinical Nurse Manager, General Internal Medicine 

What brought you to healthcare? 

Ever since I was a little girl, I was always curious about hospitals, doctors, medicine and the way these spaces, people and medical technologies could help heal people who were hurting or ill. I felt called to be a part of this mission of healing and worked my way through college and nursing school to get to work at a leading healthcare institution with a demonstrated commitment to these same values. 

What is your role at UCSF and what is your favorite part about it?

I directly manage a team of nurse practitioners and oversee the clinical staff and operations of our large internal medicine practice. I love being a part of a strong team of clinicians and leaders at our practice, getting involved in clinical innovations and improvements with the aim of improving patient care and learning more about how to effectively lead in a sea of change and challenges. 

What advice would you give to a woman entering your field today? 

You can accomplish anything. Relentlessly pursue your passion and calling! Surround yourself with mentors to help you along your journey. 

Get to know the rest of our Women of UCSF Health team