Patty Moran
Research Specialist and Clinical Psychologist, Hellen Diller Cancer Center
What's an issue you think remains overlooked or under-addressed in terms of women in the professional world?
Childcare! The United States lags far behind our peer countries in subsidizing childcare and supporting people with children. This is of course an issue that affects men as well, but at least for now, childcare responsibilities disproportionately fall to women. We need universal paid leave and subsidized, reliable, and affordable childcare for women to fully reach their professional and personal potential.
If you could go anywhere for a day, where would you go?
I’d go back in time and just spend one more regular day with my mom.
What brought you to healthcare? Can you tell us about your professional journey?
After graduating with a bachelor’s degree in Psychology during a recession, I struggled to find work that was fulfilling and secure. So, I went to graduate school and earned a PhD in Clinical Psychology. It was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made, leading me to a fulfilling career at UCSF for the past 20 years. I was fortunate to join the research group at the UCSF Osher Center for Integrative Medicine in 2022 and then the department of Psycho-Oncology at the Cancer Center in 2013, where I have amazing colleagues and do work that is rewarding.
What’s your ideal weather?
San Francisco weather is perfect for me! I love to walk, and there is rarely a day here that isn’t a good day for walking. I grew up in Minnesota and enjoy cold, snowy days as well as warm summer evenings when I visit family there, but on a day to day basis, SF weather is my ideal.