Lauren Williams
Nurse Manager, Pediatric Surgical Specialties
Lauren's Bio:
Hello! I am originally from Philadelphia and moved to the West Coast 8 years ago. First for the opening of the Pediatric Hospital at Mission Bay, then Portland, Oregon. I returned to the Bay Area right at the beginning of 2020 (..womp womp..)
My earliest background is in Pediatric ICU as a nurse. I’ve also worked in Global Medicine Business Operations and Care Coordination. I was previously the Neurotrauma Program Coordinator in BCH Oakland and am now the manager of Pediatric Surgical Specialties at Mission Bay.
Can you tell us about an important struggle you have overcome in your career?
I have learned a lot in every position I have ever taken, but it was only once I got older that I gave myself the permission to leave a situation that wasn’t fulfilling me. I’ve always been so worried about “how it will look” or if someone may think I am a failure, but I realized that I am most productive and successful when I am happy and content in my job. And sometimes that means side-steps…instead of always the next step ahead.
What’s on your reading list?
My top reads this year were ‘Lessons in Chemistry’ by Bonnie Garmus and ‘Demon Copperhead’ by Barbara Kingsolver. These two books were inspirational not only in their story lines (The former being a must for any woman who experienced discrimination in the workplace) but also by the fact that these two women authors are in their mid-60s! Lessons in Chemistry was Bonnie Garmus’ debut novel at the age of 65 – A reminder that it’s never too late to start.
Why did you decide to join Women of UCSF’s team of volunteers?
We as women, sometimes continue to have a scarcity mindset – Having long been told that there’s either not room for us at the top or perhaps only room for 1 or 2 of us. This simply isn’t the case and together, we can continue to fill meaningful and powerful positions at every level. I am so in awe of assured women leaders, especially those who make room for other women at the table. Women of UCSF highlights the unique and awesome achievements of so many of the great women here.
If you had to choose an anthem what would it be?
It was a rare drive to work when I did not have an audiobook playing. I was driving in to work to have a difficult conversation and, on the radio, came Sia – Unstoppable. And in that serendipitous moment, it was a reminder of my strength and capabilities even when I am feeling vulnerable.