Our Stories

Storytelling is what connects and brings us together. So let’s celebrate, inspire and empower each other by sharing our stories.

Alpana Patel Camilli

Manager, Body & Neuro Interventional Radiology

Why did you decide to join the Women of UCSF Health's Committee?  

As women in the medical profession, we stand on the shoulders of pioneers who broke barriers, shattered glass ceilings, and paved the way for our presence in this vital field.  

I want to encourage women to draw strength from our shared experiences, empower one another, and continue to advocate for gender equity within the medical community. Each one of us is a source of inspiration, resilience, and innovation.  

By embracing our roles as healers, leaders, and changemakers, we not only nurture our own aspirations but also inspire the next generation of women; our daughters, nieces, and sisters to dream big and achieve greatness in medicine.  

Together, we can create a more inclusive and compassionate healthcare landscape, where our voices and talents are celebrated, and where every woman's potential knows no bounds.  

Our journey may be challenging, but it is a journey of purpose, impact, and boundless possibility. Let our collective strength be a beacon of hope, illuminating the path for women in medicine in every role. 

What advice would you give yourself early on in your career?  

Confidence is Key: Believe in your abilities and the value you bring to your field. Self-doubt can be a hurdle, so embrace your confidence and let it guide you. 

Build a Support Network: Seek out mentors, allies, and colleagues who can provide guidance, support, and insights throughout your journey. Don't hesitate to ask for help when needed. 

Lifelong Learning: Stay committed to continuous learning and professional development. Many fields but especially the medical field is constantly evolving, so make education a priority. 

Advocate for Yourself: Be your own advocate when it comes to career opportunities, fair compensation, and work-life balance. Don't be afraid to speak up. 

Work-Life Integration: Find a balance that works for you. It's possible to have a successful career while maintaining a fulfilling personal life. Prioritize self-care and well-being. 

Embrace Diversity: Celebrate diversity and inclusion in your field. Your unique perspective and experiences can contribute positively to patient care and innovation. 

Resilience Matters: The medical field, no matter which role can be demanding and emotionally challenging. Develop resilience to cope with difficult situations, and don't be afraid to seek support when needed. 

Advocate for Patients: Always prioritize patient well-being and advocate for the best care possible. Patients are at the heart of what we all do, and your advocacy can make a difference. 

Stay Curious: Maintain your curiosity and open-mindedness. Keep asking questions and seeking answers to advance your knowledge. 

Give Back: As you progress in your career, consider mentoring and supporting the next generation of women in medicine. Your experiences can inspire and guide others. 

What’s an issue you think remains overlooked or under addressed in terms of women in the professional world?  

The "second shift" issue, where women bear a disproportionate burden of unpaid caregiving and household responsibilities alongside their careers, remains under-addressed. It impacts women's career advancement, work-life balance, and financial security. To address this, we need family-friendly policies, equal sharing of caregiving responsibilities, and a challenge to traditional gender roles.

Get to know the rest of our Women of UCSF Health team.